Saturday, June 18, 2016

Remembering with love my dearest Boobie (June 18,1991-July 21, 2005) today, the anniversary of his birth

Happy birthday, my baby Boobie, my Boobs, my Bhooooobie.

My life changed when you came into it. Who can forget the first time I held you, when you chewed on a button of my shirt? Or that evening when I came home and you were standing behind Mama and looking at me? I fell in love.

I miss you. my baby. I love you, and I will love you always. Hopefully, we will be together again.

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Remembering my most lovely Mondy (Dec. 16,1994-June 2 ,2007) today, the anniversary of the day she left us

My dearest Mondy, my Alimondmon, my Come Baby.

I miss you every day. I see a lot of you in Red, the way she follows me around the way you used to, how she demands to be carried. But you are you and she is she, and I miss you so much. I miss your sleeping on my lap. I miss your antics. I so wanted you with me that, what the hell, who cares if I didn't into law school? Remember that silent deal I made? If I didn't get into law school that year (1995), I get you?

I got the winner. I got you.

A little more than 12 wonderful years with a wonderful baby.

I love you, my baby, my Come Baby.

I will miss you always, until we're together again.