Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Lovingly remembering Five (Feb. 8-Sept. 30, 2012) today, his death anniversary

My dearest Five,

Always know that you are missed.

And you are loved, even though you are gone from our midst.

We are thankful for the years you gave us, you, the strongest of them all.

Five, Five, Five!!!

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Remembering with love my dearest Vixen (September 1, 1998-December 20, 2011), today, the anniversary of her birth

My dearest baby,

Happy birthday. The years that we spent together were so special. We lay beside each other every night. Many times you even lay on me, on my neck, because you were afraid of the rain.

I love you, my baby, and I miss you so much. From the very start, I believe, you were meant for me. We had wonderful times, those happy, little, everyday things. Just the way you would wake up and come to me while I was working, seeking attention. I look forward to the day we can be together again.

I love you, my dearest Vixen. Always.