Thursday, June 18, 2015

Remembering with love my baby Boobie (June 18, 1991-July 21, 2005) today, on the anniversary of his birth

Happy birthday, my dearest baby, my Boobie, my Bhooobie, my babysie, my Boobs, my Boobiesie.

Thank you so much for coming into my life and giving me joy every day that we were together.

My life changed when I lost you.

I love you so much, my dearest Boobiesie, and I will love till the day I die and we can be together again, if only in ashes.

I miss you so much, my baby, my dearest baby.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

In loving memory of my dearest Almond (December 16, 1994-June 2, 2007), today the anniversary of her death

My dearest Almond,

How I miss you. You made bad days feel good. You were and are so beautiful.

How I miss the days with you, Boobie, and Vixen. Life was complete then.

How I miss holding you while I watched TV, or the way you would follow me around, or do sunbathing outside. Or go up the landing to escape Boobie or Vixen.

I miss how you demanded that I take you on my lap so you could sleep on me. I miss hearing your howl.

"Love ko yan. Love na love ko yan."

Humans and babies should have the same life expectancies. Maybe then the hurt wouldn't be so bad.

I love you, my Almond, my Mondy, my Alimondmond,  my dearest, dearest, dearest Come Baby.