Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Lovingly remembering Five (Feb. 8, 1998-Sept. 30, 2012), who left our world two years ago today

Happy birthday, Five.

You were never truly mine, but I was there when you came into this world. I wish I could have been there to protect you, but when you reached maturity you needed no more protection.

The people who abused you feared you, and you became the strongest of them all.

Be in peace, Five, and know that I love you. I loved you then, I love you now.

Monday, September 01, 2014


Been crying all day. Been drinking as well. My baby is gone.

Lovingly remembering my dearest Vixen (September 1, 1998-December 20, 2011), born 16 years ago today

My dearest baby,

I miss you so much. I miss the everyday things you did, the everyday love. The days were always hard, and there were always problems, but they were good days because you were there. To wake up in the middle of the night to demand attention. To look at me from across the room, nodding your head because you were just glad to see me. To lick our feet every time you passed by. To just look at us from the stairs.

I love you, my baby, my Sensen, my Vickysensen, my Hunhun, my dearest. I so much want to be with you again. One day soon, hopefully.

You are always in my heart.