Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I miss my babies. I miss my babies so much. I wish I could just be with them again.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Remembering my baby Garpy (Dec. 29, 1982-Aug. 10, 1991) with love, today, the anniversary of his death

My dearest Baby,

What a terrible night that was, that last night, somehow knowing in my heart you would be gone. Even then, even without knowing, I was already crying. Morning brought the terrible news. The tears rushed, and I died inside.

My dearest Baby, you made life during those days bearable. I will always be thankful to you for that. You were my one good thing. You were the joy of my unhappy days.

I love you, my baby. Even after all these years, even after my babies came and went, I hold you in my heart. Dearest Garpy.