Friday, February 08, 2013

Remembering Five (Feb. 8, 1998-Sept. 30, 2012), born 15 years ago today

My dearest Five.

You were the biggest and the brightest of the litter. Your were our little "Cerelac boy." Fifteen years ago today I saw you born, so bright, so like Boobie. You were the fifth to come out, so you became No. 5, later just Five. You were more dapple than your father, a lot larger, so beautiful. All your life you were strong. Even when all seemed lost, you fought and hung on. You were the strongest of them all.

My comfort is that you lived a full 14 years. I wish I could have had you, but two alpha males in one house wouldn't have worked. Besides, you were wanted elsewhere. I saw you into this world, a moment of joy; I saw you out, a moment of sorrow.

Be at peace, Five, be at peace. You had some bad human companions, but you remained beautiful and pure.

Happy birthday, dearest Five. Strong and bright, taking shit from no one.