Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Dark night

Very, very unhappy.

The good, the bad, and the ugly

I had a great moment today: I saw Kaisy. Even from a distance, I knew I was looking at someone very beautiful. She came closer, and I saw it was she. A short chat. Some time later, I left. That was the good.

This year is pure bullshit. That's the bad.

This year is just ugly. That's the ugly.

So tired, so tired, so tired. When will the pain end?

I miss Vixen. I miss my babies.

Monday, January 14, 2013


I just don't have it anymore. I can't get my mind on things. Perhaps I'm headed for a fall. May it be a final one this time.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

In loving memory of Prudence (April 2, 1999-January 13, 2006), today, the anniversary of her death

Dearest Prudence,

Your life was just too short. You were so different from the rest, so beautiful in your own special way. So slim and agile, so kind and gentle.

You were taken away too early.

We miss you, and we love you, our dearest Prudence, our lovely Prupru.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

2013: The year ahead

I have no direction at all for 2013.

That's the awful truth. I see nothing for 2013, I have no plans, and I wish nothing save for the final mercy.